TPM1 San Miniato Sept.27 2019

On Friday 27 September 2019 the “Click on T” partners met in San Miniato, FTS headquarters, for the first transnational meeting. The majestic thirteenth-century convent of San Francesco, was the setting for the meeting: an intense day to plan the work that will see them engaged until April 2021. Engineer Simone Pagni from FTS first presented the contractual and administrative rules which were then approved and accepted by all partners. All the aspects useful for the planning of future work have therefore been addressed. The next events will see the partners involved in LTT1 with the theme “Resilience thinking about climate change” next January in Wroclaw in Poland, and in LTT2 with the theme “Methodological insights from the idea of ​​resilience: design adaptation and mitigation projects “which will take place in Santiago de Compostela in Spain in May 2020. The teaching, learning and training activities of both events were discussed and discussed in depth so that all partners have the necessary tools to be able to start the preparatory work. The meeting ended with the signing of the partnership agreement. During the previous day, the guests already arrived in Tuscany, visited the medieval town of Montaione, Florence, which, together with the municipalities of San Miniato and Santa Croce sull’Arno, gave their patronage to the project. The Mayor of Montaione in person, Mr Paolo Pomponi,  welcomed the Erasmus + group with enthusiasm, accompanying them on a guided tour of the town, a virtuous example of environmental sustainability that received the prestigious European recognition “European Energy Award”.