Simone Pagni – Erasmus contact person for Fondazione Toscana Sostenibile
Antonella Strozzalupi – Manager of Cultural Services

Today, Friday 11 March 2022 is the day dedicated to energy saving throughout Italy with the “M’illumino di meno”, Day of energy-saving and sustainable lifestyles, by Caterpillar and Rai Radio2 with Rai per il Sociale.

Fondazione Toscana Sostenibile will give the Municipal Library of Santa Croce sull’Arno some “plantable pencils”, to sensitize library users on environmental sustainability issues.

The initiative is part of the path of the European project “Click On T” which addresses climate change in the context of training for adults.

“We are very keen to thank the library for this availability” declared Simone Pagni of Fts. “Some good ideas are achievable only if shared. Today we show that if everyone does their part, we can go very far! Other realities with us have also joined this day, and the library has promoted a biblio-garden: a beautiful idea, which brings greener and more life to an urban centre “.